Thursday, January 23, 2014

Gluten Free Creamy Kale Pasta

As you're probably aware, I love creating new meals. But I also tend to cave make the same dish over and over. One of my recent go-to meals is one of the a great flavorful and fiber packed pasta combinations: creamy kale pasta! This is the easiest thing to make too!

I would write a detailed recipe but to be honest, there is no real measuring required. I start by cooking pasta as directed. Meanwhile, I sautee a medium one with two to three handfuls of chopped kale and a dash of salt, pepper and garlic powder. Once veggies are cooked through and pasta is complete I toss together. To make the cream sauce, I melt 2 tablespoons of butter then add about a cup of heavy cream. Once the cream and butter reach a rolling boil and it looks like the sauce is thickening, I toss in a ton of Parmesan. (I say "ton" because I'm sure it's anywhere between 1/2 to whole cup - and varies based on my mood.) Once the cheese has melted, about a minute or two later, turn off the heat, add salt and pepper to taste the pour over veggie pasta combo. 

Boom! A perfectly creamy, tasty pasta dinner in less than 20 minutes!