Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Eggplant-Turkey Pizza Burger

Like several other times over the last few months, my eyes have driven my produce selection at the grocery store. I can't look at the brightest, greenest veggies and just walk away. I know I'll use them in some way. This week, I walked away with fresh broccoli, cherry tomatoes, red pepper and eggplant among other delicious foods.

I was in the mood for something Italian inspired so I sautéed a bunch of cherry tomatoes, peppers and onion with garlic. Next, I thinly sliced the eggplant, brushed each side with olive oil and sprinkled on some salt, pepper and garlic powder and pan fried them until softened. While that was cooking I balanced broccoli and set aside. 

Ok, so now what? I thought about how to compose my meal and remembered I had frozen turkey burger patties in the freezer and shredded mozzarella in the fridge - pizza burger it is! And who needs a bun when you can use eggplant as a make-shift bun! :)

After cooking the turkey, I layered two eggplant slices on my plate then spines on a scoop of my tomatoe and pepper mix followed by the turkey burger. I sprinkled on some mozz next then another layer of tomatoes and peppers and topped with two more eggplant slices. And of course, broccoli seasoned with salt, pepper and garlic powder was my side dish. 

Not only was this a guilt free meal but every bite was super juicy! If you have some time on your hands you could easily roast the veggies instead of pan frying. Half the work and just as delicious! 

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